Compliance aims to create Corporate Culture and Governance for the entire Selena Group
The Group’s corporate culture is shaped by values such as: responsibility, innovation, leadership, simplicity and user satisfaction. The corporate governance in the Group is based on the transparency and legality of the activities carried out. Corporate Culture and Governance are created by everyone cooperating with the Selena Group!
Corporate culture guarantees standards, binds employees together, gives a sense of internal stability, sets common goals.
Building the organisational culture takes place in many ways – starting from risk analysis, identification of crisis events, through the implementation of documentation, training and shaping the habits in the Group as well as in cooperation with contractors, ending with ongoing internal monitoring, auditing and consulting.
Due to its listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Selena FM S.A. is obliged to comply with the set of corporate governance principles and rules of conduct affecting the formation of relations of listed companies as Good Practices of Listed Companies.

Compliance Culture in the Selena Capital Group sets uniform and consistent standards for management of compliance with:
- applicable law,
- internal regulations,
- accepted standards of conduct,
- Selena Group’s ethical standards.
Corporate governancein the Selena Capital Group is based on transparency and legality of the activities carried out, as well as on ensuring a sense of security for everybody working with the Selena Capital Group. As part of the implemented activities, processes were developed, as well as solutions ensuring the effectiveness of the business operations carried out both in cooperation with contractors and within the group in the employee-employee relationship.

The documentation in force in the Selena Capital Group complies with the requirements imposed by the legislator, corresponds to the Good Practices of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange and has been implemented through a series of employee training courses.
Corporate Culture and Governance is built in the Selena Capital Group every day through regular training, control and supervision activities, and above all by building awareness of each entity starting cooperation with our Group.

GetRight – Compliance Program for Selena Group
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: