For some time now, the energy efficiency of buildings, and so also decarbonization, have been top of agenda for construction sector companies. That said, manufacturers of construction chemicals and materials are facing the challenge of reducing the carbon footprint (both operational and embodied) of the products and services put on the market. How to achieve it? One of the methods that Selena Group has devised is the innovative Tytan WINS system for sealing windows during installation.
Creating environmentally sustainable, efficient, easy-to-use, but also durable and safe products is the goal of research and development operations of modern companies from the construction chemicals sector. One of the solutions available in the market is the Tytan WINS system developed by Selena Group. An analysis of energy consumption in a single-family house before and after replacing windows with the use of Tytan WINS has demonstrated a reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions (the operational carbon footprint) by up to 30%. This generates annual savings of several thousand zlotys while benefiting our planet through lower emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.
Goal: full decarbonization
The European Union has set a clear goal: to fully decarbonize construction by 2050 by offering sustainable products and services. For many years, Selena has been introducing innovative and energy-efficient solutions to the market, including COOL-R®, the highly reflective (it reflects light and heat) and waterproofing coating, as well as foam adhesives that reduce water and electricity consumption. At the same time, the Company is working on new solutions that reduce the carbon footprint of products throughout their life cycle. The products of individual brands in Selena Group are made only from certified raw materials, and the environmental impact of production activities has been consistently minimized. Selena offers the Tytan WINS system, which allows the energy saved to be used for heating or cooling the building.

It is noted that almost 30% of the costs spent on heating and cooling buildings are caused by the penetration of air through windows and doors. This emphasises the importance of proper insulation, which can help building owners save on energy bills. The Tytan WINS system is a modern system of 3-layer, tight window installation, where the mounting foam, which forms the thermal and acoustic insulation layer, is secured with additional insulating layers of vapor-tight and vapor-permeable liquid foil. In this way, Tytan WINS ensures permanent insulation of the joint, high tightness and high comfort of living at home or office. Importantly, our product has been prepared to suit various types of buildings: Tytan WINS FLEX for new buildings and Tytan WINS FIX for historic houses and special renovation projects. – says Piotr Komala, Deputy Director of the Windows & Doors Division of Selena Group..
To ensure proper sealing and insulation of windows, Selena has developed the WINS Standard – a document that defines the proper technique for performing this work. The company is also involved in education on the correct application of the product and the development of window installers’ skills.

Selena Group as a member of ESG initiatives
The energy efficiency of buildings is one of the key segments of sustainable development. Selena Group not only creates solutions that contribute to the achievement of the EU target, but also actively participates in the work of organizations that focus on ESG topics. Two years ago, it became a member of the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC), and since August 2022 it has also been a member of the Polish ESG Association, which brings together leaders of sustainable transformation; these include companies and institutions that in their operations respect the natural environment and demonstrate social responsibility. The Association implements projects in eight areas, including in the area of certification, legislation monitoring and research & analysis. One of the members of the ESG Association’s Innovator Council is Ewa Kosmala, Global Sustainability Director at Selena Group.