
and development

Why work for Selena

Information about the company

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Selena Group is among the world’s top three manufacturers of polyurethane foam. As an organisation with a world-wide presence, we can offer career opportunities in the industry, based on our expertise, best practices and the experience that we have gathered in the past 20 years of operating in diverse and dynamically changing environments. We actively search out new paths for growth, and the direction we are heading in is shaped largely by the Group’s employees. Together we create the value of the Selena brand across the world.

We work in many different markets – from Poland, Kazakhstan, China, USA and Brazil. Our team focuses on operating well in diverse, multicultural and challenging environments. For this reason, we look for people with a high business culture who are also good team players and focused on getting things done.

Who we look for

We bet on the people who subscribe to our values: entrepreneurship, perseverance, creativity, honesty, loyalty and knowledge. Working in a multinational environment also requires an impeccable business etiquette and familiarity with different cultures and markets. As a global enterprise, Selena employs experts from many fields including production, R&D, sales, marketing, finance, HR and IT among others. We value the kind of wide-ranging knowledge and professional experience that helps us build our business. We want all our employees, at all levels and in all our markets, to shape the unique culture of the Selena Group and take an active part in its development.

Job offers

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Career path

The structure of the Selena Group allows our employees to make a very real contribution to the growth and direction of the business. We put a high premium on innovation, commitment and active participation in the creation of best practices. We have implemented the Management by Objectives (MBO) which focuses on facilitating action and ensures that every Group employee remains motivated and has a real influence on the organisation. The MBO also comes with a bonus system which ensures that employees are properly rewarded.

Polish champion

The Polish business support programme is carried out on behalf of Wroclaw by the Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Polish Information, Foreign Investment Agency and PWC. Our economy is becoming international as a result of two trends – the acquisition of complex foreign investment projects as well as the expansion of local companies onto markets worldwide. Both these trends are material for placing Wroclaw in the world network of economic relations.